/* If we try to use the dataset in any way that would require the translations assigned in the earlier FORMAT statement in the DATA step, we will get an error!! */ PROC PRINT DATA=BIO.PULSE_STEP2 (OBS=5); RUN; /* The dataset has the formats below permanently assigned to certain variables. We do NOT need to rerun the DATA step used to assign the formats however we DO need to resubmit the PROC FORMAT so SAS will know the translations used */ PROC FORMAT; VALUE GDR 1 = "Male" 2 = "Female"; VALUE YN 1 = "Yes" 2 = "No"; VALUE EXER 1 = "High" 2 = "Moderate" 3 = "Low"; VALUE TREAT 1 = "Ran" 2 = "Sat"; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=BIO.PULSE_STEP2 (OBS=5); RUN; PROC FREQ DATA=BIO.PULSE_STEP2; TABLES GENDER SMOKES ALCOHOL EXERCISE TRT; RUN;