/* View the first 5 observations of the STEP1 data */ PROC PRINT DATA=BIO.PULSE_STEP1 (OBS=5); RUN; /* Show information about STEP1 data - Review variable names */ PROC CONTENTS DATA=BIO.PULSE_STEP1 VARNUM; RUN; /* Note the raw data for our categorical variables are coded as numbers */ /* We have not yet created translations for the variables in the STEP1 Data */ /* We will cover how to handle that scenario in the translation tutorials */ /* This will not be an issue here as we focus on only Quantitative variables */ /* Default output for PROC MEANS */ PROC MEANS DATA=BIO.PULSE_STEP1; VAR HEIGHT; RUN; /* Selecting specific values using keywords in PROC MEANS */ /* Documentation: http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/proc/67916/HTML/default/viewer.htm#n1qnc9bddfvhzqn105kqitnf29cp.htm#n11nn4xu6p9wvjn1lh60wtvvn538 */ PROC MEANS DATA=BIO.PULSE_STEP1 N MEAN STD MIN Q1 MEDIAN Q3 MAX MAXDEC=3; VAR HEIGHT WEIGHT AGE PULSE1 PULSE2; RUN; /* The large table may not copy well, you may prefer the results if you run a PROC MEANS for each variable individually */