Learn By Doing - One Categorical Variable (College Student Survey)

College Student Survey

The same survey that asked 1,200 U.S. college students about their body perception also asked the following question: “With whom do you find it easiest to make friends?” (opposite sex, same sex, or no difference). In this activity we will use the following results from this collected data:

  • Frequency Distribution with percentages
  • Bar Chart
  • Pie Chart

If you wish to analyze this data yourself, you can download the data in either Excel or CSV format. (friends.xls, friends.csv)

Use the SPSS and/or SAS output provided to answer the following questions.

Frequency Table
Table summarizing the variable. Columns are labeled frequency, percent, valid percent, cumulative percent. The first row shows the results for no difference of 602, 50.2, 50.2, 50.2. The second row gives results for opposite sex of 434, 36.2, 36.2, 86.3. The third row gives the results for same sex of 164, 13.7, 13.7, 100. The final row gives the results overall of 1200, 100, and 100. There is no value in the cumulative percent column for the total row.
Table summarizing the variable. Columns are labeled frequency, percent, cumulative frequency, cumulative percent. The first row shows the results for no difference of 602, 50.17 602, 50.17. The second row gives results for opposite sex of 434, 36.17, 1036, 86.33. The third row gives the results for same sex of 164, 13.77, 1200, 100.
Bar Chart
A bar chart showing the results of the frequency table above.
A bar chart showing the results of the frequency table above.
Pie Chart
A pie chart showing the results of the frequency table above.
A pie chart showing the results of the frequency table above.
Learn By Doing


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A Choice 1
B Choice 2
C Choice 3